Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Continuing to Wrap the Corner

I was told that Scott the framer said the roof that wraps the corner is like a run on sentence since it keeps going and going. Ha!

They finished that roof that wraps the corner today by sheathing the gable roof over the screened in porch. And yes, he's right - it goes on and on - because I connected three roofs together into one.

In an earlier version of the design for the new house next door, the screened porch was separate from the roof over the single story kitchen area. It was during a revision of the back porch entry that I decided to have the house roof that covers the kitchen and dining area, wrap around the corner and become the porch roof protecting the back door and then crash into the screened porch roof. Voila! A run-on roof sentence! Poor in grammar perhaps, but since one flows to the next, good for design, I think.

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